Welcome to This Pilgrim's Progress

Welcome to Divine Do-Over!  

This is a place to share my journey to a healthier life: physically, mentally, and spiritually. Each of those areas are interconnected and impact one another. For years, I believed the lie that my walk as a Christian had nothing to do with my physical health. After all, God loves everyone, right? Fat, skinny, short, tall, shy, outgoing, etc?  Yes, God loves everyone--he created us and the essence of who we are is not limited to our exterior appearance. Does that mean that the outside doesn't matter at all? If that were true, why would there be a verse such as, 

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." 

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (ESV) 

O-b-e-s-i-t-y. Don't you hate that word? The year 2020 found me in the morbidly obese category at 255 pounds. I know I was actually higher than that prior to COVID because I'd had a doctor's appointment in early March when my weight was in the 260's. Ouch! That hurts to admit, but it didn't change the fact that I'd been in that category for most of my adult life. I'd lost out on being active with my older children. Lost out on energy, strength, and mental clarity. All because I loved junk food and a sedentary lifestyle more than I loved my family. And certainly more than I loved God.

Once things shut down and everything was cancelled, I started to walk several times a week. I  listened to audiobooks while walking.  I only listened to my book while walking so that gave me an incentive to get out each day and hear more of the book. I wasn't very fast and I didn't log many steps when I started but my endurance gradually increased. Getting up and moving around helped put me in the mid 250's.

But by the middle of June, I was sick and tired of clothes that were too tight, fat that oozed over underwear, pants tops, and undergarments (keeping it real). Ankles that swelled up and circulation that was hampered by carrying around at least 100 pounds too many.

The idea of stewardship doesn't just apply to our finances and being willing to return to the Lord the first fruits of what He blesses us with. Stewardship is defined as "the job of supervising or taking care of something." The manner in which I care for what the Lord entrusts to me, is an indicator of the value I place on that gift.  If I give a gift to my child and they immediately smash it against the wall, it's pretty clear they didn't value what they received.  When God handed me one precious body to carry me through life, did I treat it with care?  

Being a good steward of my mind means I consider what I put into it.  Being a good steward of my soul means that I do not neglect being in the Word. Being a good steward of my body means I maintain and treat it properly so I can more fully minister. Which ultimately brings more glory to God. Which according to the Shorter Catechism is part of the chief end of man: to glorify God (and enjoy Him forever).

Do you let your car run out of oil or neglect getting the oil changed?  Most of us take care of our car because we want it to take us to work, on vacation, to church, etc. It's the day to day, month to month maintenance thatensures that it's ready when we need it. Now consider our physical bodies. When we daily abuse our body with junk food full of sugar and sodium, do we really expect optimum performance when we need it?

If nothing else, hopefully COVID has revealed the importance of eliminating morbidities; we never know when another pandemic or biological emergency could happen. When you might be fighting for your life and regretting the years of poor choices. 

As of this writing, I am about three pounds away from escaping the "obese" category; which means I'll still have to muddle through the "overweight" one.  But the benefits I've already experienced are helping propel me further down the road. I'd love to encourage other pilgrims who want to journey toward wholeness of mind, body, and spirit.  Will you join me?


  1. Replies
    1. Happy to meet a kindred spirit. Thanks for reading!

  2. Ouch... I needed to hear this. Love the way you are so open and honest.

  3. Thank you for your courage and transparency. I woukd love to learn more about your journey.

    1. I'm not sure if I know you IRL, but I'd love to talk further. You can email me at "live 2 read 2 read at gmail dot com". (Remove the spaces). Or you can direct message me through Facebook.

  4. Inspirational! Beautiful way of sharing God's unconditional love for us and our surrender to wanting to steward what he has blessed us with, in our physical being. Thank you for loving on us all and sharing your journey!

  5. FABULOUS! I'm so excited for you and want to travel with you! This is a direct hit for me, since God's been nudging me to get active, too! Thanks, Jill!

    1. Wonderful, Deb! Can't wait until the weather is more amenable to walks!


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